Synthesio, named the Global Leader by an independent analyst in two reports in Q1 2016 and an Editor's Choice by PC Mag, is a global Social Intelligence platform used by some of the world's top brands, and the agencies that support them.
DialogTech's platform solves one of the most pressing challenges in today's mobile-first world by eliminating the black hole inbound calls create in understanding true marketing performance.
Traackr builds Influencer Relationship Management (IRM) technology that enables brands and agencies to effectively manage, measure and scale influencer strategies while maintaining authenticity.
We will find the best matching Software Outsourcing Provider worldwide for you based on vetted data, It is Resiport's MISSION to enable businesses throughout the world to find the best matching Software outsourcing service Partners by providing fully independent on-demand Matching & Advisory services.
Percolate's complete web and mobile software platform helps the world's leading brands and agencies deliver unified, inspired customer experiences across all marketing channels.
Cleartwo was founded in 2009, Specialise in four major areas: Microsoft Dynamics CRM, IT Support for both schools and businesses, Design and Online Marketing.
Streamline reputation management: Aggregate reviews from multiple platforms and engage customers with our seamless reply feature, enhancing your brand's trust!